
In ancient Greek mythology, Medusa is the most famous of three monstrous sisters known as the Gorgons. The earliest known record about the story of Medusa and the Gorgons can be found in Hesiod’s Theogony. Jun 30, 2011 Medusa is a Peerless found in her lair inside the Stygian Abyss Dungeon.In order to get access to the Medusa's Lair, four Rare Serpent Eggs must be placed on the altar near the entrance of her lair at 76° N, 35° W. Rare Serpent Eggs can be gathered from the Serpent Nests directly or by using a Snake Charmer Flute. Crack for photoshop cs6 mac.

TypeMonstrous humanoid
CR 7
Environment Temperate marshes and underground
Images of medusae
Source: Bestiary, pg(s). 201

Medusas, or medusae, appear as beautiful human women with living serpents for hair. They have the ability to turn nearly anything to stone with their petrifying gaze.[1]


All known medusas are female, and occasionally take a male humanoid as a mate. These pairings are rarely voluntary, and are accomplished via magical compulsion, such as an elixir of love.[1]

Habitat and society

Medusas often live in wilderness locations, but can also be found in cities assisting thieves' guilds or other criminal enterprises. Adobe photoshop elements torrent for mac. Their lairs are sometimes decorated with the petrified remains of their past victims, even though this tends to warn others of their presence.[1]

In urban environments, medusas tend to prefer stealth and disguise to hide their appearance, while in the wilds they often become bards, sorcerers, or oracles. Naturally charismatic, they excel in these spellcasting roles. Powerful spellcasters sometimes make their homes in places of power or other sites of renown, becoming potent, if quite dangerous, sources of knowledge. Susceptible to flattery, such powerful medusas can be tricked into sharing their knowledge or even providing magical assistance.[1]


All medusas possess a powerful petrifying gaze that works only at close range. Their serpentine hair gives them all-around vision, making it quite difficult to sneak up on them. Finally, the bite of their serpent-hair delivers a powerful poison. Although not fatal, the venom is quite debilitating, leaving its victim vulnerable to a medusa's other attacks.[1] Ati agp for mac.


Since their petrifying gaze only works at close range, medusas often conceal their monstrous features by covering their head or face. When thus disguised they appear human, even when seen up close, allowing them to lure unsuspecting victims into their kill zones. They are also fond of laying out intricate traps, using missile fire to guide intruders into them.[1]

Notable medusas

  • Eygreas, who dwelled in the Mushfens.[2]



For additional resources, see the Meta page.

  1. Bulmahn. (2009). Pathfinder RPG Bestiary (First Edition), p. 201. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-183-1
  2. Jonathan Keith, Jason Nelson, and Anthony Pryor. (2012). Mythical Monsters Revisited, p. 44–45. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-384-2

Medusa Pictures

External links

Medusa Greek Mythology

  • Medusa (real-world myth) on Wikipedia

Medusa's Hair

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