Markdown Dockerfile

So.. Blogger isn't supporting Markdown in any reasonable way today (nor in the foreseeable future). But, markdown and others in the markdown family are Markdown dockerfile editorawesome for techie writing.
Another blogger, Daniel Dotsenko, identified an 'embedded' markdown implementation for use at Unfortunately, this solution places content in the <script></script> elements which prevents most search engine indexing as well as some other caveats.

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Another solution which is working for me is using to produce the markdown copy and publish it to as a Template. Doing so preserves the nice HTML markup of the converted Markdown syntax for display within the site. Among the many benefits of StackEdit are that it is:
  • Open source and available at GitHub.
  • It has numerous synchronization features; supporting Google Drive, Dropbox and now CouchDB. Meaning you can store your master files in the cloud for editing, otherwise your markdown is edited and managed locally.
  • It has numerous publish targets; supporting Blogger Posts & Pages, Dropbox, Gist, GitHub, Google Drive, SSH server, Tumblr and WordPress. (Facebook?)

Markdown Dockerfile Cheat

Initially I tried publishing from StackEdit to Blogger as HTML. Unfortunately, all the nice code blocks and other CSS niceties didn't make it over. It required enough editing in the published version's HTML output that I might as well have just created it that way the first time.
Second attempt was to make use of the Template Format. Success (of a sort)! All of the nice base.css was there to pretty up the HTMLified Markdown. But, the width of the copy was out of control. It spilled over the Blogger's template area for posts/pages; caused scrollers, invaded sidebars. Ugh. Thought it was going to be a loss, since the flow. just. looked. awful.
Third time's the charm I suppose. In, goto Menu, Settings, Advanced Tab. For the Default Template insert the following style snippet in the <head></head>. The max-width: 100% overrides the preset style and confines it to the Blogger post/page areas. Now when you publish to Blogger your content will render quiet nicely.
<meta name='viewport'>
<link href='' />
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

Markdown Dockerfile Code


Markdown Dockerfile Link

<body><div><%= documentHTML %></div></body>

Markdown Dockerfile Editor

Markdown Dockerfile For Tomcat

One caveat you should be aware of is the dependency on the minified CSS at and script for TeX rendering at But, as StackEdit is open source, you can collect these elements and serve them from your on repositories.